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The Wheeling Musical Steelmakers were a group that would regularly perform on the "It's Wheeling Steel" radio broadcast, created in 1936 by John L. Grimes who wanted to promote both Wheeling Steel Corporations products and their employees. John Wisvari's day job was a pipe-threader at the Benwood Works.

301. John Wisvari, Violin Player for Wheeling Musical Steelmakers

302. View From Side Stage of Back's of Steel Sisters, Performers on 'It's Wheeling Steel' Show at Field House, Morgantown, W. Va.

Caption on back of photograph reads: "When the Musical Steelmakers are heard each Sunday, starting October 5, over at Station ___ at ___ o'clock these three pretty singers, the Steel Sisters, will help add to the gaiety and tunefulness of the programs. They are, from the left, Lois Mae Nolte, Harriet Drake, and Lucille Bell. Like other members Musical Steelmakers troupe they are either employees in the steel industry or members of employee families." The first all employee broadcast. The Steel Sisters eventually gained so much recognition that they went on tour with Horace Heidt and his orchestra.

303. Steel Sisters Performing on NBC Radio Broadcast

Two of the mill men share coffee, still in their work clothes, after receiving a call to come from the mill to the main office for rehearsal right away. They were preparing to go to Chicago for a war bond program. See original photograph for further description.

304. Singing Mill Men, Stay In's of "It's Wheeling Steel" Radio Broadcast, Wheeling, W. Va.

305. Waiting in Line to Audition For "It's Wheeling Steel" Radio Program

Caption on back of photograph reads: "Molly Staten and Eleanor Bowman Lynn rehearsed several weeks on their piano duet. They are stenographers from the main office of Wheeling Steel Company." Like all performers and employees on the "It's Wheeling Steel" broadcast, all were also employees or family members of the Wheeling Steel Corporation. They were radio's first all employee only broadcast.

306. "It's Wheeling Steel" Performers Molly Staten and Eleanor Bowman Lynn Rehearsing

307. Nicky Conti Playing Accordion With Wheeling Musical Steelmakers

Caption on back of photograph reads: "Bill Griffiths makes military equipment during working hours, relaxes in his spare time by duplicating his day's work in miniature. he built the model guns and tanks shown here, and the train that carries them. On Sundays, he's one of the famed "Singing Millmen"." The Singing Millmen were regulars on the "It's Wheeling Steel" radio broadcast.

308. Bill Griffiths of Singing Millmen, Making Miniature Military Equipment

Caption on back of photograph reads: "For headlining appearances, auditions for mill workers and members of their immediate families are held every few weeks at the studios of WWVA. Of course, due to the standard set for our program, all that are auditioned can not be presented. The standard set is inferred to be that of the broadcasting station's, thereby relieving the corporation of discrimination."

309. Several People Waiting to Audition for 'It's Wheeling Steel' Broadcast

310. Audience Watching the 'It's Wheeling Steel' Performance

Everyone pictured is either an employee of the Wheeling Steel Corporation or is an immediate family member of someone who works for them. This family owned and operated broadcast was the first of it's kind and this policy was maintained throughout the broadcast's existence.

311. Group of Musicians Auditioning for 'It's Wheeling Steel' Program

312. 'It's Wheeling Steel' Show at Market Auditorium, Wheeling, W. Va.