Search Results

A young woman and man are pictured on top of a large tree branch which hovers over a body of water. Subjects unidentified.

145. A Couple Poses on a Tree Branch that Stretches Over a River in Summers County, W. Va.

Store clerk L. G. Rhodes pictured behind the counter. Customers in the background are identified as George Collins, Fred Jones (loafer), and Blake Raines (hiding).

146. L. G. Rhodes General Store, Talcott, W. Va.

Three men sit outside the store in an old-fashioned automobile while others stand outside the shop. Subjects unidentified.

147. Entrance to L. G. Rhodes General Store, Talcott, W. Va.

A group of mean work along the site. Subjects unidentified.

148. View Overlooking Big Bend Tunnell Construction Site, Talcott, W. Va.

Three unidentified men look over the progress within construction site.

149. Men Inspect Big Bend Tunnel Construction, Talcott, W. Va.

Three construction workers on the left observe as equipment lowers stone for building the tunnel entrance. Subjects unidentified.

150. Big Bend Tunnel Under Construction near Talcott, W. Va.

The foreman stratling the rail is C. E. Long. Track workers Jim Adams is at the far left. "M. J." is inscribed on the photograph above the cluster of workers. The rest of the men pictured are unidentified.

151. Section Crew at Moore's Tunnel Construction Site, Summers County, W. Va.

Emma Walker Meador on the far right with Matt Cook to her right. The rest of the unidentified men haul sticks and wood across the land. The farm is now known as Meador Camp Ground at the Bluestone State Park.

152. Collecting Wood at Billy Meador Farm, Bluestone River Valley, Summers County, W. Va.

Webb and his family lived in on the Forest Hill side of New River and made their home near Webb's Island.

153. John Webb of New River, Summers County, W. Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler pictured in Hix area.

154. M. V. Wheeler and Wife, Summers County, W. Va.

Willey, a World War II soldier, was killed during pilot training in southwest United States.

155. Bernard Alma Willey of Summers County, W. Va.

Wiley stands beside a bush in the Bluestone River Valley.

156. Rachel Wiley pictured near True, W. Va.