Search Results

This old sycamore is the monarch of the campus. It stands directly in front of Commencement Hall.

1. Sycamore Tree on the Campus of West Virginia University

2. Commencement Hall, Martin Hall, and the Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

'West Virginia University, taken in late eighties, from present site of Women's Hall, showing Reynolds Hall or old Commencement Hall under construction, and front section only added to original Armory to make the Experiment Station.'

3. Downtown Campus, West Virginia University

Commencement Hall also visible on the left.

4. Looking up through the Trees at Stewart Hall, West Virginia University

A view of downtown campus from Fife Street: Commencement Hall on the left;  Science Hall (Chitwood Hall), Woodburn Hall and Martin Hall with a clock tower forming Woodburn Circle; building across from Woodburn Circle is Agricultural Experimental Station.

5. Woodburn Circle Viewed from Hill above Athletic Field, West Virginia University

A view of campus, from left to right Library (present Stewart Hall), Commencement Hall, Agricultural Experiment Station, Martin Hall, Woodburn Hall and Science Hall (present Chitwood Hall) and hills of Westover spread beyond the Monongahela River in the distance.

6. West Virginia University and Westover, Morgantown, W. Va.

A view of campus from Women's Hall: from left to right Commencement Hall, Agricultural Experiment Station and Martin Hall.

7. Commencement Hall, Agricultural Experiment Station and Martin Hall, West Virginia University

A view of campus, from left Agricultural Experiment Station, Commencement Hall, Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall.

8. West Virginia University and Morgantown, W. Va.

Students exit from chapel in Reynolds Hall; it is taken from the porch of Agricultural Experiment Station.

9. Students Exiting From Chapel, West Virginia University

Looking down on Woodburn Circle on WVU Downtown campus: from further left Commencement Hall, Agricultural Experiment Station, Martin Hall, Woodburn Hall and Chitwood Hall.

10. Woodburn Circle and Other Buildings, West Virginia University

Commencement Hall, Stewart Hall on the left, Purinton House on the right.

11. University Avenue on the Campus of West Virginia University

'The University landscape and Five of the Buildings.'  The photo is from a booklet, West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings, 1901.

12. General View, West Virginia University