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Behind desk: Mike Clark, Student Assistant; Marilee Wilhoit, Circulation Assistant.

133. Wise Library Circulation Desk, West Virginia University

Behind desk: Mike Clark, Student Assistant; Marilee Wilhoit, Circulation Assistant.

134. Wise Library Circulation Staff at Work, West Virginia University

Students study at tables and peruse periodicals on the shelves in the General Reading Room.

135. General Reading Room, Wise Library, West Virginia University

Students read at tables and seek help at the reference desk on the left.

136. Reference Room, Wise Library, West Virginia University

View of back entrances to the Library.

137. Rear View of Wise Library, West Virginia University

138. Stewart Hall (Library), West Virginia University

139. Second Floor Office, Wise Library West Virginia University

'WVU. Library Staff. 1935 Oct. 25. Reading left to right 1st row- 1. Virginia Gilmore Madigan Luikart; 2. Jenny Boughner; 3. Mildred Reed; 4. Margaret Reay; 5. Ruth Blodgett; 6. Barbara Bierers; 7. L.D. Arnett, Librarian. 2nd row- 1. Dr. F.P Summers; 2. Florence K. Reese, Prof. Lib. Science; 3. Bryd Lea Pickens; 4. Mary Lou Richardson; 5. Evelyn Hite; 6. Georgia Wade; 7. Lindsay Johnson, Jaitor. 3rd row- 1. John Bayles, Janitor; 2. Carroll Reynolds; 3. Eleanor Knutti; 4. Andrew Wiley; 5. Jessie B. Madigan'

140. Library Staff of West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

'The Library is arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System of classification and is open from 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day, except Sunday, throughout the year.  It is open Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. for reading only.  Students have free access to the shelves, and the Library is the busiest place about the University.'  This is from a booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings, 1901'

141. Martin Hall Library, West Virginia University

Wise Library was built in 1932, but was not named for Charles Wise Jr. until 1985. The tower addition (seen in the back) was built in 1950.

142. Wise Library on Campus of West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

A group of uniformed male students walk across the entrance way of Wise Library.

143. Special Forces Training on WVU Campus During World War Two, Morgantown, W. Va.