Search Results

Photograph of a postcard picturing a young Mr. Milhollin, left, and Mr. McDonald, right.

25. Pence Spring House, Pence Springs, W. Va.

An unidentified boy sits on top of a fire hydrant to get a view of the ongoing parade.

26. Boy Watches Parade on Ballengee Street, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified boy is pictured riding between Second and First Avenues.

27. Boy Rides Horse in Parade on Ballengee Street, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified boy rides down the street near the Eighth Avenue intersection.

28. Boy Riding Bicycle on Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Clarence Pierce and associates pose in matching uniforms on the street.

29. Group of Boys on Front Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Murrell holds up a large stick as he poses on the dirt path.

30. Miller Murrell at Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

Ten unidentified boys pose for a group picture.

31. A Group of Boys Loitering Outside a Park in Summers County, W. Va.

In the front row is Joe Sowers; Frankie Martin; Robert E. Via, Jr.; Bill Comer; Eddie Huston.In the second row is Martin loudermilk; Kay Bartgis; Edward "Chubby" Halloran; Bobby "Bo" Joe Gill; Tom Akers.In the third row is Frank "Junior" Buckland; Jim Bragg; Elmer Schaffer; Benny Dillon.The coach (unpictured) is "Buck" Porterfield.

32. Talcott High School Basketball Team Portrait, Talcott, W. Va.

Charles wears the clothing of his recently deceased grandfather, William Alexander Wood. In the forefront of the photograph is the family dog, "Old Shep".

33. Charles P. Wood Pictured in Grandfather's Clothes near Warford, W. Va.

Portrait of a young Lemon.

34. Junior Lemon of True, W. Va.

Male members of J. D. Morris family gather around to play cards.

35. Morris Boys, Summers County, W. Va.

A relative of J. D. Morris is pictured on a bike.

36. Boy Riding a Bicycle, Summers County, W. Va.