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WVU Students march up High Street from the Post Office to Mountainlair. Front left, with the sign 'Stop The Draft' is Jack Calhoun, Vietnam Veteran, Resister, National Speaker, and Writer.

1. Anti-Draft Demonstration on High Street, West Virginia University

Anti-Draft Teach-In, sponsored by Committee Against Registration and the Draft (CARD) on March, 1980.  From left to right, Jack Calhoun, U.S. Student Association; Matilde Zimmerman, Socialist Workers Party V. P. Candidate; Jim Peck, War Resisters League; Milton Muller, Students for a Libertarian Society.'

2. Anti-Draft Teach-In in the Mountainlair, West Virginia University

Students march from Mountainlair to Courthouse Square to protest against the military draft system.  Male student holds sign that reads, 'Defeat Militarism. S.P.U.S.A.'

3. Anti-Draft March, West Virginia University

Center: Jim Peck, Director of National War Resisters League.

4. Anti-Draft Demonstration in front of the Morgantown Post Office, West Virginia University

5. Anti-Draft Demonstration in front of the Morgantown Post Office, West Virginia University

The march was from the Morgantown Post Office to the Mountainlair. On the far right is Stewart Fisk.

6. Anti-Draft Demonstration on High Street, West Virginia University

Students marched from the Mountainlair to the U.S. Post Office

7. Anti-Draft Demonstrators at the Top of High Street, West Virginia University

Anti-draft march from Mountainlair to Court House square.  Protesters carrying signs.

8. Anti-Draft Protesters, West Virginia University

March started at Mountainlair and went down to the Court House Square.

9. Anti-Draft Protesters, West Virginia University

Stewart Fisk holding sign.

10. Stewart Fisk in a Picket Line at the Morgantown Post Office Protesting Draft Registration, West Virginia University

Sponsored by War Resisters League. Holding the 'No Draft, No War' sign is Alice Bell.

11. Students in Anti-Draft Peace Vigil in Front of County Court House, Morgantown, W. Va.

On right, leaning on rail is Stuart Fisk.

12. Students at Anit-Draft Demonstration in Front of Morgantown Post Office, West Virginia University