Search Results

Looking at the brick house from the fence.

109. Andy Gwinn Home, Lowell, W. Va.

The home is pictured next to the river which flows toward the mouth of Indian Creek.

110. Dixon Manor House On the Banks of New River, Summers County, W. Va.

Home built by Dr. Ryan. Small building in the background is Dr. Trail's office. Behind the office is A. T. Whitlock Store, which closed later in the 1930's.

111. Trail Home and Office at Indian Mills, Summers County, W. Va.

Albert Mann owned this home later in the 1930's. Back of the picture reads, "This home went with the post office."

112. Bun Redman Home at Indian Mills, Summers County, W. Va.

Looking up at the manor from below.

113. Dixon House Located near Mouth of Indian Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

Keatley, to the left, is the wife of Sheriff Keatley. The two women stand on the sidewalk outside a home.

114. Lennie Keatley and Associate Pictured in West End of Hinton, W. Va.

Looking at the home from across the street.

115. Jack Lawrence House Below Greenbrier School, Greenbrier County, W. Va.

Home of Henry Lively who was father to Lester Lively.

116. Henry Lively Home, Ballengee, W. Va.

A high school is pictured on the hill overlooking the rest of town. A Presbyterian church is pictured on the corner of a row of homes. N. & W. Railroad Station is pictured in the lower section.

117. Section of Town in Welch, W. Va.

Luther and Audie Meador's home on Bluestone River naer the swimming pool. Fay Meador also lived near here in his home.

118. Meador Home on New River, near True, W. Va.

Bradberry pictured on her porch beside potted flowers. The home is located at Crump's Bottom.

119. Mrs. Barker Bradberry on Porch of Home near New River, Crump's Bottom, W. Va.

Surveying men and their equipment are pictured outside a large white home. Family members stand closely by. Subjects are unidentified.

120. Surveyors and Equipment at a House in Summers County, W. Va.