Search Results

A group is shielded from the sun by a large American flag as they enjoy the porch swing and music.

697. Family Listening to Cabinet Phonograph on Porch of Morgantown Home

698. Sisters Gertie, Molly, and Myrtie at 305 Fayette Street Home in Morgantown, W. Va.

Pictured in the photo are siblings Catherine Finnell (Aunt Kitty), Charles W. Finnell, Jr., and Margaret Finnell.

699. The Finnell Family on Spruce Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

First row: Bill Scherr, Davis, Arlett Hartman, Wayne Paker, Red Sturges.  Second row: Chadwick, Irwin Stone, Guy Jamison, Bill Madera, Hersey Eckert, Eldon Tucker.  Third row: Maderia, Frank Stubbs, Hall, Thomas, and unidentified.

700. Morgantown High School Baseball Team

701. Aproned Employees in Morgantown, W. Va.

Print number 802. John Zan is fourth runner from the left.

702. Track Runners on High Street at Corner of Pleasant Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Print number 805b.

703. Conner's Basketball Team

Print number 809.

704. American Legion Baseball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

No one pictured is identified. Note the team's pants and outfit. Print number 806.

705. Possible Golf Team Portrait, Morgantown, W. Va.

Print number 810a.

706. Morgantown Baseball Team, Junior Baseball Team Championship of W. Va.

Print number 814.

707. Johnson's Basketball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

Print number 816.

708. Morgantown High School Football Team