Search Results

People outside of Waltons Store in Pocahontas County.

157. Waltons Store in Hillsboro, Pocahontas County, W. Va.

158. Horse Drawn Wagons Entering Hazelton, Preston County, W. Va.

159. Class Photo Arnettsville School, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Sign reads:  '$5.00 Fine for riding or driving faster than a walk over this bridge'.

160. Iron Bridge East of Sturgisson, Monongalia County, W. Va.

161. Steamboat D. T. Lane Surrounded by Small Boats and Swimmers

162. Steamboat Sam Craig on the Ohio River near Wheeling, W. Va.

163. Steamboat Helen of Point Towing Company on the Ohio River near Wheeling, W. Va.

164. Steamboat Eagle on the Ohio River near Wheeling, W. Va.

165. Steamboat Senator Cordill on Ohio River near Wheeling, W. Va.

166. Steamboat Jim Wood on Ohio River near Wheeling, W. Va.

A picture postcard of the steamboat Benwood on the Ohio River near Wheeling, West Virginia.

167. Steamboat Benwood on Ohio River, near Wheeling, W. Va.

A picture postcard of the steamboat Kate Adams on the Ohio River near Wheeling, West Virginia.

168. Steamboat Kate Adams on the Ohio River, near Wheeling, W. Va.