Search Results

Five unidentified men pose in front of the truck that is hauling the school building.

1717. Moving the Elton School in Summers, W. Va.

Print number 1298.

1718. United Mine Workers of Star City Meeting in Mountaineer Stadium with John Lewis

Bittner was a United Mine Workers organizer and representative.

1719. Van A. Bittner Speaking at Rally in West Virginia

Joseph Moreland was a prominent Morgantown attorney, serving in the West Virginia State Legislature and on the WVU Board of Regents during late 19th century.

1720. Joseph Moreland, Morgantown, W. Va.

Portrait of the prominent Morgantown attorney and community leader who served in the state legislature from 1792 to 1804, and 1816 to 1817.  Wilson was also a member of the Board of Trustees for the Monongalia Academy in Morgantown, 1814 unitl his death in 1826.

1721. Thomas Wilson, Morgantown, Va.

A picture of the Power Plant standing by itself.

1722. Amherst Coal Company Power Plant, W. Va.

1723. Conveyor Belt On Thocker Plane, Amherstdale, W. Va

Conveyor Belt by the river, running up the mountain.

1724. Longflame Tipple With Conveyor Belt, Stow, W. Va.

A lumber mill pond feeds the logs into the saw mill.

1725. Saw Mill On Lease Number 5, Logan County, W. Va.

1726. Summers Coal Company Tipple, Logan County, W. Va.

Tipple stands below the mine, with lumber next to it.

1727. Huddleston Coal and Coke Company, Accoville, W. Va.

The young man with Senator Holt is not identified.

1728. Senator Rush D. Holt and Friend