Search Results

President Harlow escorting Mrs. Harlow in Mountaineer Field is followed by drum major Skip Shahan and a marching band.

157. West Virginia University President James G. Harlow with his Wife

'DEPARTMENTAL ASSISTANCE GRANT- Gulf Oil Company has given the chemical engineering department at West Virginia University a $1,000 unrestricted Departmental Assistance grant. Dr. Harry Heflin, left, University vice-president of administration and finance, accepts the grant from R.K. Pearson, recruitment adviser at Gulf's Philadelphia Refinery. The grant is one of 95 that Gulf is making this year to selected departments of many universities and colleges.'

158. Harry Heflin Accepts Departmental Assistance Grant

159. Dr. Harry Heflin, West Virginia University

Dr. Harry Heflin is standing and on the left is Martin Piribek, the president of First National Bank.

160. Harry Heflin at a Banquet, West Virginia University

Subject (Donnelly) is in a machine; Russakoff operates the machine, while Lapp monitors a recorder.  Kaplan stands farther left.

161. Coalworker's Pneumoconiosis Symposium, West Virginia University

A snapshot from coalworkers pneumoconiosis symposium: shown here is a subject on a respiratory machine, while two men in lab coats monitor.  Russakoff is father right.

162. Coalworker's Pneumoconiosis Symposium, West Virginia University

A subject is on a test machine, while two researchers monitor the progress.

163. Test at the Coalworkers Pneumoconiosis Symposium, West Virginia University

'High school students from all parts of West Virginia began registering at the University Medical Center yesterday afternoon for the State Science Fair, in progress through tomorrow morning.  The young scientists are among 300 high school students exhibiting science projects and presenting research papers. Exhibits will be open for public inspection at the Med Center from 9 to 11 a.m. tomorrow (April 15).  The Science Fair is sponsored by the West Virginia Academy of Science, meeting simultaneously with the high school representatives.'

164. High School Students Register at Science Fair, West Virginia University

First on left is Jacqui Muth.

165. Costume Designers and Cast of 'The Maids,' West Virginia University

From left to right in front: Tom Curtis, Rev. Michael Payne, and Berta Lambert (with microphone).

166. Stump Speaking in front of Elizabeth Moore Hall, West Virginia University

A scene from registration at the Field House.

167. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

Two students possibly working on their registration forms.

168. Registration, West Virginia University