Search Results

Also known as Weston State Hospital.

529. Man in Front of Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Weston, W. Va.

530. Portrait of James R. Moreland

Workers scatter across the construction site. Cranes helps lift supplies onto the bridge. A train is pictured on top of the bridge, perhaps bringing in additional supplies.

531. Rebuilding C. & O. Railroad Bridge Over Greenbrier River at Lowell, W. Va.

Appears to be a lawyer's office as well as an optical parlor on the right in the ivy covered building.

532. View Down High St., Morgantown, W. Va.

R. O. Murrell pictured kneeling and his wife pictured on the right. A man on the left is wearing a dress. Other subjects unidentified.

533. Group Pictured at Bluestone River Canyon, Summers County, W. Va.

Two unidentified men stand beside the small brick building.

534. C. & O. Railroad Building in Avis, Hinton, W. Va.

A group of unidentified men pose for a group photo. Some of the men hold hammers. Most of them are dressed in overalls.

535. C. & O. Railroad Workers at Avis, W. Va.

Unidentified men gather in their baseball uniforms for a team photo.

536. C. & O. Baseball Team, Hinton, W. Va.

James and his wife Mary Eliza Walthall pictured together.

537. James Lewis and Mary E. Lilly, Madams Creek, W. Va.

Wooden pears surround the bridge while groups of workers stand on top and observe.

538. Railroad Engine on Newly Constructed Bridge in Lowell, W. Va.

Workers pictured lined across the top of the bridge. Subjects unidentified.

539. Newly Constructed Bridge in Lowell, W. Va.

The legendary C. & O. engineer Richardson pictured with his wife.

540. Portrait of Billy Richardson and Wife, Hinton, W. Va.