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Group photo of Storer College class of 1909 sitting on front steps of building on Storer College campus.

277. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1909, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Mrs. McKinney's Class in front of building. All women except one male, first left on back row.

278. Group Portrait of Mrs. McKinney's Class, Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Group photo of Storer College class of 1938 with Pres. McDonald in the middle.

279. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1938, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Nine Storer College graduates, class of 1902, sitting and standing on lawn of campus.

280. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1902, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Group shot of Storer College students sitting and standing on lawn with dog.

281. Group Portrait of Storer College Students, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Group shot of graduating class in caps and gowns in front of building on Storer College Campus. Pres. McDonald in middle.

282. Group Portrait of Storer College Graduating Class, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Group photo of Storer College, class of 1942, standing in caps and gowns on front steps of building on campus. Pres. and Mrs. McDonald in middle of bottom row.

283. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1942, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Group photo of Storer College class of 1932 in caps and gowns in front of building with "STORER" banner. College President McDonald in back row.

284. Storer College Class of 1932, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Storer College class of 1933 in caps and gowns in front of trees on campus. First Row: Jones, Scipio, Frazier, Carter, Beard, West, McDonald. Sexond Row: Boyd, Beard, Fletcher, Kent, Miss Maxson, Prs. McDonald, Arrington, Carroll, Arrington, DeLauter, Arms. Third Row: Henderson, Hudson, Dyer, Taylor, Brunswick, Brown, Marchal. Absent: Ross Fourth Row: Parrott, Sims, Napper, Morris, Bows, Galloway, Moorhead. Absent: Polk, Hill, King, Motley, Sinclair, Spencer.

285. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1933, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Storer College class of 1929 in caps and gowns on law of campus. First Row: Finely-(?, Moore,-Edwards. Second Row: Coleman, Heath, Stevens, Johnson, Holland, Morris, Dixon, Bibby. Standing: Spencer, Harris, Brown, Daily, Johnson, Tall, Heath, Brooks, Brown, Wilson, Hill, Perry, Sims, Johnson, Pierce, Carroll, Thomas, Washington, Pres. McDonald. Jackson.

286. Group Portrait of Storer College Class of 1929, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Storer College football team in uniform in front of dugouts.

287. Group Portrait of Storer College Football Team, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Storer College track  team in uniform holding school pendants in front of building.

288. Group Portrait of Storer College Track Team, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.