Search Results

A miner is operating a cutting machine at the Price Hill Colliery Co. mine

85. Miner Operating a Cutting Machine, Price Hill Colliery Company

Chalk markings designate slate intrusion in No. 63.

86. Slate Intrusion at No. 63

'A very small cutting machine or a v.m. drilling machine. Probably a cutting machine'

87. Miners Operating a Cutting Machine

A miner operating an electric shuttle car filled with coal.

88. Electric Shuttle Car

Group portrait of miners and horses inside a mine. 'Dr. Parkinson said a copy of this picture appeared in Natural Geographic's Pictorical Study of Appalachia.'

89. Miners and Their Horses

'Interior mine scene shows men using the lard oil miner's lamp and the use of horses as well as mules. New England Mine.'

90. Interior of New England Mine

Three miners hard at work as coal comes down a conveyor.  Copyright Photo by William Vandivert, 21 East Tenth Street, New York 3, N. Y.

91. Mining Coal

92. Miner Testing for Gas

Two miners at work drilling into a wall of coal. John Williams, Coal Life Project.

93. Miners at Work

Two miners operate a cutting machine. 'Credit must be given to Willaim Vandivert, 21 East Tenth St., New York 3, N.Y., Not to be reproduced without written liscense.'

94. Cutting Machine in Operation

95. Miner Operating a Coal Cutting Machine

96. Transporting Lumber for Shoring in a Coal Mine