Search Results

13. Rod Engine No. 509 and Crew

Train engine with crew standing in front and top of it.

14. Shay No. 3 and Crew (3/4 Front)

Shay No. 3 engine beside a hill of logs.

15. Shay No. 3 (Greenbrier and Elk River Railway)

Train engine on tracks with engineer looking back out of the window.

16. Shay No. 4 with Gondola Back View, Mower Lumber Co.

Side view of train engine with nine crew members standing in front of it.

17. Shay No. 10 Side View, with Crew

18. Shay No. 2 on Iron Trestle with Box Cars

Train engine with three crew members standing in front of it.

19. Shay No. 12

Train engine on tracks.  Lots of smoke coming from stack.

20. Shay No. 1 (2nd No. 1) at Switch (3/4 Front)

Side view of train engine beside forest.

21. Shay No. 1 (2nd No. 1)

Train engine with log carts and four of its crew members standing in front of it.  (Left Side 3/4 Front) Charles Cramer and Alt Cramer.

22. Shay No. 3 with Crew and Load of Logs.

Tracks run along cut in hillside.  Train engine back in the distance.

23. Shay and Steam Shovel in the Big Cut

View of a Shay Engine traveling on tracks.

24. Shay No. 4 Front 3/4