Search Results

Looking over the city from the hills above.

277. City of Hinton, W. Va.

View of the city which sits next to a river and surrounded by mountains.

278. City of Hinton, W. Va. Beneath Rolling Hills

Colored depiction of the scenic view.Published by I. & M. Ottenheimer of Baltimore, Md.

279. A View of Hinton from Across New River, Hinton, W. Va.

Photograph of the dock located near Bull Falls in the Bluestone Reservoir.

280. Ferry Boat Landing at Warford, W. Va.

A young girl stands on the river bank. New River Bridge pictured in the background.

281. Toddler Beside New River, Hinton, W. Va.

Two men in the background walk along the river bank.

282. View Below City Looking Across New River, Hinton, W. Va.

The partially built bridge towers over the river.

283. View Over New River Gorge While Bridge is Under Construction, Fayette County, W. Va.

Photo taken on an airplane above the city.

284. View from Above Hinton, W. Va. Looking Up New River

An unidentified church sits next to a farm field.

285. A View of Red Sulphur Springs, W. Va.

Photograph originally used as a post card. View of the snow covered town.

286. Jumping Branch Community, Summers County, W. Va.

Pictured is an area two miles west of Lewisburg, W. Va. along U. S. Route 60. The view is looking northwest from Wilson Hill.

287. Land Usage in Greenbrier River Valley, Summers County, W. Va.

View of the farm land and growing crops which is located near War Ridge.

288. Shumate Farm Grounds, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.