Search Results

Left to right: R.E. Davis, Bill Miller, Unknown, J. W. Ruby, Unknown.

13. American Legion and Sterling Enterprises, Morgantown, W. Va.

From left to right: C. Glen Zinn, unknown, Jennings Randolph, J. W. Ruby, Martin Piribek, Charles Baker.

14. Morgantown Ordnance Works Presents a $50,000 Check to the Morgantown Community Association

'Mr. Ruby seated center'.

15. Employees of Sterling Enterprises, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Left to right: Mrs. Parke Johnson, Mrs. Fred Glisan, President, J.W. Ruby, Mrs. Ruby, Mrs. Russ Thomas, and Dr. Parke Johnson, Masontown physician.'

16. Dinner Group, Morgantown, W. Va.

Right to left: 'third from left: J. W. Ruby, fourth: Mr. McCartney, fifth: Martin Pirbeck, sixth: Mal Campbell, seventh: Elvis Stahr, eighth: James Coombs'.

17. West Virginia University President (1959-1961) Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. (Second from Right) with Several Visitors