Search Results

Built in 1914 on the south side of Cheat River, upstream from Quarry Run.

229. 'The Shack', Residence of Anna L. Johnson

A crowd fills the platform overlooking New River.

230. Presidential Train at the Hinton Train Station, Hinton, W. Va.

Print number 477a.

231. Canyon Baseball Team

Print number 477b.

232. Osage Coffee Shop Baseball Team, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Print number 477c.

233. Pursglove Baseball Team, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Print number 486.

234. Gulf Gas Station Alongside Road in Falls Mill, W. Va.

Print number 488.

235. View Along Road in Falls Mill, W. Va.

Jesus Saves is painted onto rocks on the left. Print number 489a.

236. Mitchell's Beach, Falls Mill, W. Va.

Print number 489i.

237. Old Swimming Hole at Fall's Mill, W. Va.

Print number 489b.

238. Rock Cliff at Fall's Mill, W. Va.

Print number 489c.

239. Honey Comb Rock at Fall's Mill, W. Va.

Print number 489f.

240. People Observe a Baseball Game at Mitchell's Beach, Fall's Mill, W. Va.