Search Results

The boys stand below a sign that reads, "Willard Storage Batteries." Subjects unidentified.

409. A Group of Boys Posing Outside of a Store in Hinton, W. Va.

Postcard drawing of the old high school building. Postmarked September 25, 1920. See original for correspondence.

410. Hinton High School Building, Hinton, W. Va.

Four people climb across the rocks with a waterfall streaming from the cliffs in the background. Subjects unidentified.

411. Blackwater Falls, Tucker County, W. Va.

View of the Guyandotte River in Wyoming County, W. Va.

412. Scene on Guyandotte River, Pineville, W. Va.

John L. Stewart was the principal when this photo was taken, about 1920.

413. Parkersburg High School, Parkersburg, W. Va.

View of the construction site.

414. Cheat Lake Dam Construction Site, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Portrait of a young Wilda Juanita Turner as she reads a book.

415. Wilda Juanita Turner Butcher, Weston, W. Va.

On the left, a man stands at the window of New River Banking & Trust Co. On the right is Mankin Drug Co.

416. Mankin Building, Thurmond, W. Va.

ROTC students form a line as they salute the professors walking down the field.

417. Commencement Procession Entering Field House, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

A large group of people pose in front of Commencement Hall at WVU.

418. Group in Front of Commencement Hall, Morgantown W. Va.

Squirrel Rock was submerged when the Cheat Lake Dam was completed in 1926.

419. Squirrel Rock, Cheat River, Near Morgantown, W. Va.

A man in a rowboat pauses by Squirrel Rock, which was submerged with the construction of the Cheat Lake Dam in 1926.

420. Squirrel Rock, Cheat River, Near Morgantown, W. Va.