Search Results

A photograph of buildings outside a coal mine with a train underneath.

1. Island Creek Coal Mine

Island Creek Coal Sales Co. Cincinnati, Ohio.

2. Main Line Locomotive in Number Four Coal Mine

A photograph of coal miners working in a mine. 'Island Creek Coal Sales Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; The following cars of Pocahontas coal were shipped today for account of; 4-Point Pocahontas Coal'

3. Coal Miners at Work

4. Mine Equipment, Mine No. 24, Island Creek Coal Company

5. Mine Equipment, Mine No. 24, Island Creek Coal Company

6. J.D. Ayres Barge, Island Creek Coal Company

7. Building of a Barge, Island Creek Coal Company

8. View of Property, Island Creek Coal Company

Two men posed sitting on a couch. One of the men is using the telephone.

9. Mine Employees, Island Creek Coal Company

10. Mine Inspector, Island Creek Coal Company

11. River Plant, Island Creek Coal Company

12. River Plant, Island Creek Coal Company