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This walk runs along the front of the campus where Elizabeth Moore Hall is placed.  Sycamore tree in the foreground 'cut down 1963', which is one of the two largest trees on the campus today, was planted by the Rev. J. R. Moore as was the other tree, the maple, in the Circle.  He planted another tree on the Circle which died many years ago.  Rev. Moore came to Morgantown as Principal of the Monongalia Academy in 1852 and died in 1864.  The Falling Run Road which runs along the edge of picture is now University Avenue.  This is the E. Moore Hall sycqamore still growing as of February 22, 1983.  References to the tree being planted by Rev. Moore is probably an error.  The tree is shown in photos from 1888 as a fully grown tree at least 50 years old.

157. Shady Walk on the Campus of West Virginia University

158. Winter Scene on the Campus of West Virginia University

159. Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

'Fi Batar's Razz, Freshmen girls.'

160. Phi Beta Kappa out to get Freshmen, West Virginia University

Experiment Station is the building at the "Y" intersection of University and College Ave.

161. University Avenue on the Campus of West Virginia University

162. View of Sunnyside from Westover, West Virginia University

Written on the back of photograph: 'Town and Campus in 1895 and 1945; two communities and one city looking forward to another two hundred years.'

163. View of Morgantown and West Virginia University Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

164. View of Downtown Campus, West Virginia University

165. Downtown Campus, West Virginia University

Caption: 'Footbridge where the Stadium Bridge (University Avenue) is now located.' This bridge, over Falling Run, connected the campus to Sunnyside.

166. Falling Run Bridge in the Winter, West Virginia University

Inscription with the photograph: 'View from south's pasture showing the house owned by the White heirs on Sunnyside in the foreground, and campus before addition to Woodburn Hall, but after Science Hall was built.' 'View of University Ave? The WVU Campus, and Morgantown, taken from a point near the present intersection with Beverly Ave ca. 1895.'

167. Winter View of Morgantown and West Virginia University

'Man in what appears to be a [breathing apparatus] crawling in what appears to be the basement of a building.'

168. Testing Breathing Apparatus, West Virginia University