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121. Corps of Cadets Muster in Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

Some cadets are dressed in costume others dressed casual.  Oglebay Hall, Chitwood Hall and the towers of Woodburn and Martin Hall are seen in distance.

122. ROTC Band and Cadets Assembled on the Drill Field, West Virginia University

Cadets in Drill Field.

123. ROTC Exercise on Athletic Field, West Virginia University

Cadet Corps Company B gather near Woodburn Circle for a group portrait.

124. Company B, West Virginia University

125. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

126. Students Preparing an Art Display in Science Hall, West Virginia University

The bell from the armored cruiser and battleship U.S.S. West Virginia, which was dedicated in a ceremony.

127. Bell from the U.S.S. West Virginia at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Rev. Joe Gluck speaks at Dec. 7, 1967 dedication ceremonies for the bell from the armored cruiser 'U.S.S. West Virginia.'  Two other main speakers are shown seated in the first row: WVU President James B. Harlow (second from left) and Naval Reserve Captain Marlyn E. Lugar (third from left).

128. Joseph Gluck Speaks at the Dedication of the Bell from the U.S.S. West Virginia, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

West Virginia University President James G. Harlow (left) and Naval Reserve Captain Marlyn E. Lugar are shown at dedication ceremonies for the bell from the armored cruiser and battleship U.S.S. West Virginia. In the background is Woodburn Hall and Chitwood Hall.

129. WVU President James G. Harlow at the Dedication of the Bell of the U.S.S. West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va.

A scene from Spring 1917, as students gather in front of Chitwood Hall protesting the faculty's decision to continue with final exams after the United States had declared war on Germany. Many schools across the country had canceled finals since most male students would be drafted or enlist in quick order.

130. Student Strike, West Virginia University

Photos of Armory, Experiment Station and Science Hall together.

131. Armory, Experiment Station and Science Hall, West Virginia University

A view of civil engineering classroom.

132. Civil Engineering Room, West Virginia University