Search Results

A photograph of Senator Randolph (far right) gathered with Governor Smith (seated, center) and others.

13. Senator Jennings Randolph and Governor Hulett Smith with Others

14. Senator Jennings Randolph with W. Va. Cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy

A photograph of a gathering of West Virginia politicians. Herman Walker (far table, right), Governor Hulett C. Smith (far table, third from right), Dyke Raese (far table, third from left), Jennings Randolph (far table, second from left), Paul Miller (far table, left), Howard Smyth (foreground, second from left), Elmer Prince (foreground, third from left).

15. Jennings Randolph with a Group of West Virginia Politicians

A photograph of Senator Randolph (second from left) standing with Judge Charles G. Baker (left), J. W. Ruby (second from right) and another unidentified individual.

16. Senator Jennings Randolph and Others

A photograph of Senator Jennings Randolph (standing) behind Harley Staggers (left), Sargent Shriver (second from left), Paul Miller (second from right) and Don Bond (right).

17. Jennings Randolph and Others at Kickoff Banquet at Hotel Morgan for Greater University Drive

A photograph of Senator Randolph (center, back row) standing outside a building with Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman (second from right) and J. W. Ruby (owner of Sterling Faucet) among others.

18. Senator Jennings Randolph and Others