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Portrait of Jackson posing in front of a tent with his sword.

49. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Sitting in the Doorway of His Tent

'Photograph of a painting of Jackson hanging in the Murphy Hotel, Richmond, painted by William Washington.  Photo by H.P. Cook, 1937, 'The painting has been restored and is fine condition.  It shows Jackson on horse, a dying soldier lifts his hand to Jackson.  Washington is said to have been a skilled painter whose work was done just before and during the Civil War.  He had studied at Duseldorf and lived in the valled of Virginia near Lexington.  He was lame and very tempermental.  He carried the Burial of Latane to Europe at the end of the war, got into financial difficulties and sacrificed it.' H.P.C. to R.B.C. October 21, 1937.

50. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' on a Horse

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson.

51. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Artist may have been attempting to sketch Thomas J. Jackson, Professor at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia in 1860.

52. Sketch of Unidentified Man

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson.

53. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Jackson resigned his U.S. Army commission in 1851 and accepted a teaching position at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia until the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. He would earn the rank of lieutenant general in the Confederate Army and the sobriquet, "Stonewall".

54. United States Army Major Thomas J. Jackson of Lewis County, Virginia (Later West Virginia)

Sketch of Stonewall Jackson sitting on a bench holding an umbrella and reading a newspaper.

55. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson as well as a depiction of him being mortally wounded made from an ambrotype from Matthew Brady.

56. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson engraved by A.B. Walter from a photograph by Matthew Brady.

57. General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson

Display of Stonewall Jackson exhibit featuring pictures, books, clippings, letters and other artifacts.

58. Stonewall Jackson Display in Cook Drug Store Window

Sketch of Stonewall Jackson and his men praying.

59. Prayer in Camp with Stonewall Jackson

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson seated in a chair.

60. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'