Search Results

'Left to right: Beatrice Hurst, Pete Yost, Wincie Carruth.'

121. Physical Education Instructors at West Virginia University

'Right, Roy Bauchman and Left, Daniel L. Rider'

122. Roy Bauchman and Daniel L. Rider, West Virginia University

Weaver, far left; Longhouse, Chairman of Engineering, second from left; Chester Arents, Dean of Engineering, standing; Harold B. Fairbanks, Chemical Engineering, second from right; Howard P. Simons, Chemical Engineering, right.

123. Engineering Faculty, West Virginia University

'Left to right: C.P. Dorsey (state 4-H club leader), Mrs. Mary Rose Jones (Assistant Professor of Home Economics, Chairperson Aids and Grants Committee, College of Agriculture Forestry and Home Economics), Dr. A.H. Van Landingham (Acting Dean, College of Agriculture and Forestry and Home Economics), G.W. Melvin (Representative, Esso Standard Oil Company, Morgantown, W.Va.), M.F. Kennedy (Representative, Esso Standard Oil Company, Fairmont, W.Va.), Edwin Townsend (Wood County, Senior, College Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics), John Wolfenbarger (Greenbrier County, Freshman, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics), J.O. Knapp (Director, Agricultural Extension Service, West Virginia University).'

124. Esso Scholarship Awards, West Virginia University

Left, Dean of Medicine Clark Sleeth; Center, Dr. Paul Dudley White; Right, Van Liere (former Dean). White is famous in the field of cardiology, and served as President Eisenhower's cardiologist after his heart attack. He appears to be holding a model or cast of a heart, and may have been invited here to speak.

125. Medical School Faculty, West Virginia University

Playing the Game 'The Last Straw' with a young child.

126. Faculty Member With International Students, West Virginia University

Standing second back row, Dr. Harry Heflin; Standing fifth back row, Dr. Robert Munn.

127. Foreign Dignitaries, West Virginia University

Left to Right:  Harold Shamberger, Assistant to the President; Maynard Pride, Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery; John Luchok, University Editor, Acting Director of News and Information Services; C. Gregory Van Camp, Director, Radio, Television and Motion Pictures.

128. Faculty Group, West Virginia University

Mrs. Betty Broyles (faculty) and Mrs. Hayden Jones.

129. Archeological Exhibit at White Hall, West Virginia University

Left to right, Mrs. Jean Penrod, President Elvis Stahr, Mary Davis Gerchow, Mrs. Stahr, Penrod, R.M. Davis.

130. Faculty Members during Freshman Week, West Virginia University

'The Beanery' at WVU poses on a front porch. Identified are: Charles Alexander Ellison, second row, second from right in uniform; Addison Dunlap Ellison, third row front right, in uniform, hand on his brother's shoulder.'

131. Members of The Beanery at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

The first black graduate of WVU in 1954, Hodge became a journalist and subsequently a newspaper editor at the News American in Baltimore. He also taught at Howard University in Washington D. C.

132. Jack Hodge, West Virginia University, Class of 1954