Search Results

169. Southern Bottlers Co. Machine Bottling Hatcher's Top Rock Beverages, Charleston, W. Va.

170. Spruce River Coal Company Tipple, Ramage, W. Va.

171. Spruce River Coal Company Mining Operations, Ramage, W. Va.

172. View From Hill of Spruce River Coal Company Tipple and Operations, Ramage, W. Va.

173. View From Hill of Spruce River Coal Company Tipple and Operations, Ramage, W. Va.

174. Bluefield State Teacher's College, Bluefield, W. Va.

175. Aerial View of Bluefield State Teachers College, Bluefield, W. Va.

176. Aerial View of Concord State Teachers College, Athens, W. Va.

177. Fairmont State Teachers College, Fairmont, W. Va.

178. Fairmont State Teachers College, Fairmont, W. Va.

179. Interior of Fairmont State Teachers College Library, Fairmont, W. Va.

180. Aerial View of Hopemont Sanitarium, Hopemont, W. Va.