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Letter on paper from 'The All States Hotel in Washington D.C. attached to the back of the photo. 'Monument over the grave of 'Stonewall' Jackson at Lexington, Va. where he was a professor at the Va. Military Institute. Mrs. Lyne attended his funeral services where he lay in state at the Va. Capitol. She was one of the little brand of Confederate ladies who met in the Presbyterian Church in the Capitol of the Confederacy, to organize Memorial Day - when Va. was Military District, No.1. - when no Southerners could form a procession and ride in the carriages by Federal Law - yet they went on foot. The Unknown and Hollywood cemeteries all scattered roses over the Confederate dead.

373. Stonewall Jackson Tomb in Lexington, Va.

Inscription reads ' Presented By English Gentlemen As A Tribute Of Admiration For The Soldier And Patriot Thomas J. Jackson. And Carefully Accepted By Virginia In The Name Of The Southern People Done A.D.1875.'

374. Stonewall Jackson Monument

375. Stonewall Jackson Monument

376. Stonewall Jackson Monument

Model for statue at Manassas or Bull Run Battlefield, submitted by Harry Poole Camden, Jr.

377. Model for Statue at Manassas or Bull Run Battlefield

Jackson monument with men leaning on the fence surrounding the statue.

378. Stonewall Jackson Monument

379. Stonewall Jackson Grave in Lexington, Va.

Women and children around a 'Stonewall' Jackson monument.

380. Stonewall Jackson Monument

Side view of Jackson bust by sculptor Bryant Baker.

381. Plaster Mold of Bust of Stonewall Jackson, New York University, Bryant Baker Sculptor

382. Stonewall Jackson Monument in Clarksburg, W. Va.

383. Stonewall Jackson Monument

Statue of Jackson inscription reads ' Presented By English Gentlemen As A Tribute For The Solider and Patriot Thomas J. Jackson. And Gratefully Accepted By Virginia In The Name Of The Southern People. Done  A.D. 1875.'

384. Stonwall Jackson Monument