Search Results

Print number 14.

61. West Virginia University Basketball Team

Print number 15.

62. Francis Stadsvold, West Virginia University Varsity Basketball Coach

Print number 104.

63. Carico, West Virginia University Football Player in Stance

Print number 176b. (Coaching staff from left to right): Olikee, MacHenry, Rodgers (Head Coach), Mahan (Line Coach).

64. West Virginia University Football Coaching Staff

Cars are parked along James Street while people attend the local farmers market.

65. James Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Cars crowd along the street to attend the farmers market.

66. James Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Unidentified workers construct a turn table outside of the roundhouse building.

67. Construction Outside of Roundhouse at Hinton, W. Va.

The turn table, 115 feet in length, was installed with a type twin spin-electric drive. The construction workers are unidentified.

68. Turn Table Under Construction Outside of Roundhouse in Hinton, W. Va.

Farmers and customers interact outside of Courthouse Square.

69. Farmer's Market on James Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Glenn prepares to catch a football during football practice.

70. Marshall Glenn Reaches for Football on WVU Practice Field, Morgantown, W. Va.

A booth displays quilts, canned good, corn, produce, baked goods, sewn items, and woven baskets.

71. Clearview Grange Agricultural Display, Stewartstown, W. Va.

Carl B. Allen is in the first row, first on the right.

72. Air Reserve Class of 1929, Mitchel Field, N. Y.