Search Results

13. Tom Jackson, Robert Nestor, and an Unknown Man

Sitting in the front left is Wilbur V. Bauer, City Art Director.  Directly behind him is Dr. Barbara Drainer.

14. Wilbur V. Bauer, City Art Director, with Barbara Drainer and two Unidentified Men, Morgantown, W. Va.

From left to right: Martin Piribek, Dyke Raese, unknown, Samuel K. Haden, unknown, unknown, Mayor Arthur Buehler, J. W. Ruby.  All others unknown.  Barrels labeled Weston.

15. Visitors at Weston Factory

16. Judge Don Eddy, Circuit Court, unknown, and Dyke Raese, Morgantown, W. Va.

17. Burkey, Lilley at Work, Hope Gas Company, Morgantown, W. Va.

Mr. Zinn(right), Colonel Reynolds (second from right), and Foster Mullinax (far left) are presenting a plaque to Wally Reed.

18. Kiwanis Club Presenting Plaque to Wally Reed, Morgantown, W.Va.

Man third from the right is Jerry Robbins.

19. Group Photo, Morgantown, W. Va.

The Douglas DC-3 in the picture is owned by Lake Central Airlines.  Man second from left is Wm. Robinson.

20. Willliam Robinson with Businessmen at the Airport, Morgantown, W. Va.

Left to Right, men with shovels are Bill Hart, Jennings Randolph, A. James Manchin, and unknown.

21. Groundbreaking Ceremony, Morgantown, W. Va.

The man writing is Howard Smyth.  The man on the far right is John Pyles.

22. Howard Smyth, John Pyles and Others Discussing Roads in Morgantown, W. Va.

Right to left: Robert Nestor, Charles Whiston, Charles A. Stevenson (speaker,) Jack Johns, and Earl Fisher

23. Courthouse Square Speech, Morgantown, W. Va.

Front Row: left, C. Glen Zinn; right, Paul Price.  Back Row: left, Arthur Buehler; Man in Glasses on the right is Glenn Thorn.

24. Businessmen on Plane