Search Results

61. Rod Engine No. 509 and Crew

Train engine with crew standing in front and top of it.

62. Shay No. 3 and Crew (3/4 Front)

Train engine on tracks beside a hill.

63. Shay No. 4 (Front 3/4 View)

Front view of a train engine.

64. Shay No. 4 Front

Lumber mill with town in the background.

65. Lumber Mill and Town of Spruce, W. Va.

Shay No. 3 engine beside a hill of logs.

66. Shay No. 3 (Greenbrier and Elk River Railway)

Train engine with conductor looking out the window.

67. Shay No. 4 Front 3/4

Train engine on tracks heading towards a cart.  Man standing on tracks.

68. Shay No. 4 Below Water Tank at Cass, W.Va.

Train engine on tracks with engineer looking back out of the window.

69. Shay No. 4 with Gondola Back View, Mower Lumber Co.

Back, side view of train engine.

70. Shay No. 4 Rear 3/4

Cleared out space in the forest at Spruce, W.Va.  Photo made from a Kodachrome slide.

71. Location of the Town of Spruce, W. Va.

Train engine on tracks from the front.

72. Shay No. 4 Front