Search Results

Mound is 79 feet high and 900 feet in circumference at base. See original for correspondence. Published by T.R. Rogers and Sons. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

133. The Prehistoric Mound; Moundsville, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. Published by Franz Huld Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

134. Camp Grounds; Moundsville, W. Va.

Published by S. K. Davis. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

135. School Building; Welch, W. Va.

Published by I. & M. Ottenheimer. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

136. Birds Eye View and Coke Ovens; Wilcoe, W. Va.

Published by I. and M. Ottenheimer. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

137. Looking East Along Princeton Avenue; Bluefield, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

138. Concord State Normal School; Athens, W. Va.

Published by Souvenir Post Card Co. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

139. Brush Creek; Near Princeton, W. Va.

Published by Seabers Candy Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

140. Looking East Over Piedmont, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

141. Lovers' Leap; Keyser, W. Va.

Several horse and buggies travel down Main Street in Keyser, W. Va. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

142. Main St.; Keyser, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. Published by Kraemer Art Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

143. Greenbrier River, Looking East from Bridge; Alderson, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.0

144. Dam On North Fork of Cherry River; Richwood, W. Va.