Search Results

1. Children Along the Sidewalk, Waiting for the Parade, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Child Power reigned over Hoffman Street last night when 12 area youths staged a parade down to the Wiles Hill street. Said Mrs. Karl Engle, mother of two of the youngsters: "The children did this all by themselves, the parents did not help them at all." David Fawley, 18 months old and his sister Marsha 6, reigned as King David I and Queen Marcia. Shown are Sandy Hess, Ruth Engle, Patty Fawley, Jennifer Davis, Marcia and David Fawley, Shawn and Cindy Overley, Kenneth Ray Lindamood, Joanne Lemmon, Rachel Engle, Kersten Davis, Stephanie Davis, Grant Overley and Carl Sullivan. Invitations to area residents were distributed. (Photo by Shelby Young.'

2. Children in a Parade in Morgantown, W. Va.