Search Results

Sarah June Maxwell, and sons Hu(sitting) Frank and Edwin.

169. Maxwell Family Portrait from Tucker County, W.Va.

Youngest sibling of the Maxwell family. Cabinet Card

170. Robert Rufus Maxwell, Tucker County, W. Va.

cabinet card portrait of Thomas Edwin (Ned) Maxwell, brother of Hu Maxwell.

171. Thomas Edwin (Ned) Maxwell, Tucker County, W. Va.

Father of Hu Maxwell. Cabinet Card.

172. Rufus Maxwell, Tucker County, W. Va.

Family photo at the Maxwell family reunion in Morgantown, W.Va.

173. Reunion at Morgantown, Monongalia County, W. Va.

174. Nell White Maxwell, Tucker County, W. Va.

Photograph postcard of Ann H. Maxwell and mother, Mattie Humphreys.

175. Ann H. Maxwell and Mother, Tucker County, W. Va.

Selby Frederick Maxwell, son of Hu Maxwell at 4 years old.

176. Selby Frederick Maxwell, Fresano, Ca.

Unidentified large group of people, several sitting in the first row holding guitars, pose for the photograph.

177. Parsons Reunion at Holly Meadows, W. Va.

River and exact location unknown.

178. Steel Bridge, Tucker County, W. Va.

179. Pulp Mill Tank, Parsons, W. Va.

Celebration outside of the Blackwater Hotel on the fourth of July in 1910.

180. Blackwater Hotel, Davis, W. Va.