Search Results

Steam powered machinery can be seen in the open area.

193. Man Drives Several Women Past Clear Cut Area Being Used For Lumber

194. Young Man Wearing Long Gloves Sits in Automobile Along Road

195. Man Kneels Under Tree With His Hunting Dogs and Rifle on Lap

196. Two Little Girls Feeding Rabbits While Family Watches

197. Man in Boat Pulls in Catfish Alongside Bank

198. Harmony Grove Sunday School, Miss Mary Gibson Class

199. Baseball Game at Bruceton Baseball Diamond, Bruceton Mills, W. Va.

Milburn, Heister, and Company, architects.

200. Illustration of New Court House, Preston Co., W. Va.

201. J.E. Casteel, 'The Horse Jockey'

202. Group Outside of Cabin at Denny Camp, Valley Point, W. Va.

203. Group Doing Road Work

Lulu Jenkins, teacher.

204. Guthrie School, Kanawha Co., W. Va.