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'Island Creek Coal Sales Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; The following cars of Pocahontas coal were shipped today for account of; P.C. Pocahontas Coal'

1. Coal Cars Loaded with Varying Grades of Coal

A photograph of coal being washed on a belt. 'Island Creek Coal Sales Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; The following cars of Pocahontas coal were shipped today for account of; P.C. Pocahontas Coal'

2. Washing Coal

A photograph of coal moving through the manufacturing process. 'Island Creek Coal Sales Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; The following cars of Pocahontas coal were shipped today for account of; 4-Point Pocahontas Coal'

3. Processing Coal

A photograph of coal moving along a conveyor belt and over a grate. 'Island Creek Coal Sales Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; The following cars of Pocahontas coal were shipped today for account of; P.C. Pocahontas Coal'

4. Processing Coal

'Island Creek Coal Sales Co.; Cincinnati, Ohio;  4-Point Pocahontas Coal'

5. Loading Coal Cars

A photograph of coal miners working in a mine. 'Island Creek Coal Sales Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; The following cars of Pocahontas coal were shipped today for account of; 4-Point Pocahontas Coal'

6. Coal Miners at Work