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'Danske Bedinger Dandridge, a distinguished West Virginia poet, gained the recognition of such great literary figures as James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes and John Greenleaf Whittier.  Two of her poems, "The Sprit of the Fall" and "The Dead Moon" appear in Steadman's American Anthology.  The poet was the daughter of Henry and Caroline Bedinger and was born in Denmark while her father was serving as U.S. Minister of that country.  Danske Dandridge's interests were widespread.  She was an authority on horticulture and wrote extensively for garden and country life magazines in the U.S. and abroad.  In addition to her collected poetical works Joy and Other Poems and Rose Brake (named for her home overlooking Shepherdstown) she published George Michael Bedinger; A Kentucky Pioneer; Historic Shepherdstown and Prisoners of the American Revolution.'

49. Danske Dandridge

50. John J. Davis

51. John J. Davis

'Daughter of a former envoy to the Court of St. James's: Mrs. Wm. MacMillan Adams, formerly Miss Julia Davis, daughter of John W. Davis, the former Ambassador, a Mid-Autumn bride, who will live in Copenhagen, where her husband is engaged in business.'

52. Wedding Portrait of Julia Davis Adams

A. G. Dayton is a graduate of University Class of 78.

53. Hon. A. G. Dayton

Walter Dayton sits on a platform in the logging town located in Randolph County.

54. Portrait of Walter Dayton, Montes, W. Va.

The photograph was taken shortly after the couple were married in Baltimore. Anna Kennedy sympathized strongly with the South and John J. Davis, though voting against secession, turned "copperhead", fighting against both West Virginia Statehood and emancipation of the slaves. They had one son, John W. Davis.

55. Anna Kennedy Davis and John James Davis

Father of John W. Davis.

56. John J. Davis

Father of John W. Davis

57. John J. Davis

Mother of John W. Davis.

58. Anna Kennedy Davis

59. Anna Davis Richardson (Right) and Julia Davis (Left)

60. Julia Davis