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'Dean of the WVU Graduate School John Ludlum (second from left) is shown introducing main speaker W. Gordon Whaley, Dean of the University of Texas Graduate School (at Ludlum's left), at the Dec. 6, 1967 seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at WVU.  Panelists seated include three WVU professors: Hugh Lindsay, Professor of Physiology (left); Homer Patrick, Professor and Chairman of Agricultural Biochemistry (second from right); and Chin-Yung Wen, Professor of Chemical Engineering.

397. Seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at West Virginia University

'Dr. W. Gordon Whaley, University of Texas Graduate School is shown speaking at the Dec. 6, 1967 seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at WVU.  Panelists are: Hugh Lindsay, Prof. of Physiology (left): Homer Patrick, Prof. and Chairman of Agricultural Biochemistry (second from right); and Chin-Yung Wen, Prof. of Chemical Engineering (right).'

398. Dr. W. Gordon Whaley Speaks at a Seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at West Virginia University

'Dr. Everett Walters, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Boston University (left), is shown speaking at the Dec. 6, 1967 seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at WVU.  Two WVU professors who served as panelists are shown:  Paul Selby, dean of the College of Law (center), and Leo Fishman, Professor of Economics and Finance (right).'

399. Dr. Everett Walters Speaks at a Seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at West Virginia University

'A scene from the Mar. 7, 1967 Faculty Honors Convocation shows, from left to right; Robert Munn, WVU Prof. and Chairman of Library Science and Acting Provost; Ruel Foster, WVU Prof. and Chairman of English; Irvin Stewart, WVU Prof. of Political Science; Edmund Flink, WVU Prof. and Chairman of Medicine; George McLaren, WVU Prof. of Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition; and Clark Sleeth, Dean of the WVU School of Medicine.'

400. Faculty Honors Convocation, West Virginia University

Dr. T. H. Hunter, chancellor for medical affairs at the University of Virginia (center), is shown at the Nov. 28, 1967 seminar on the Future of Undergraduate Education at WVU, chatting with two WVU professors, Edward Steele, Jr., Prof. of History (left), and Earl Boggs, Prof. of Education, Director of Admissions, and Assistant to the President (right).'

401. Centennial Symposium on the Future of Undergraduate Education at West Virginia University

Sponsored by War Resisters League. Holding the 'No Draft, No War' sign is Alice Bell.

402. Students in Anti-Draft Peace Vigil in Front of County Court House, Morgantown, W. Va.

Dr. Callahan seated at his desk.

403. Dr. James Morton Callahan, West Virginia University

An unidentified man demonstrates a "switch board" at Martin Hall.

404. Martin Hall Switchboard, West Virginia University

Elmer Leach stands on steps of Science or Chitwood Hall.

405. Elmer Leach on Science Hall Steps, West Virginia University

Elmer Leach in a classroom of Science or Chitwood Hall.

406. Elmer Leach, West Virginia University

A student, Elmer Leach, Elmer shown here with four kids in a classroom in Science or Chitwood Hall.

407. Elmer Leach wtih Four Children, West Virginia University

A student, Leach, Elmer drapes his arm over a statue of Venus to pose for a photo.

408. Elmer Leach, West Virginia University