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Two WVU faculty members sit at a desk while one on the left Joseph Gluck holds a microphone.

385. Joseph Gluck on the Air, West Virginia University

Two researchers in a lab coats are shown working; one seated looking through a microscope while others standing records it on a notebook.

386. Research Team, West Virginia University

387. Professor Thomas Canning and Accompanist Carolyn Reyer at a Piano, West Virginia University

Dr. Margaret Albrink, Prof. of Medicine stands second from left, Dr. Albrink is third from left in a group in front of pylons at the WVU Health Science Center.

388. Group at Health Science Center, West Virginia University

WVU professor Dr. G. C. Anderson in white shirt with back turned in a classroom while other staff member walks in.

389. Dr. G. C. Anderson Speaking to Another Man at the Agricultural School, West Virginia University

The yearbook for 1966-1967 was the large Centennial edition and it was dedicated to Dr. Oliver P. Chitwood who attended the dinner with his wife. From left to right: Dr. Oliver P. Chitwood; Bettijane Christopher Burger; John Gray, yearbook advertising manager; Paige Bouldin, Gray's assistant.

390. Monticola Staff Apreciation Dinner at Lakeview Country Club, West Virginia University

From left to Right: Dr. Patrick Gainer, English Professor, Mrs. Chitwood; Dr. Oliver P. Chitwood, retired History Professor and Bettijane Christopher Burger. At this staff appreciation dinner the yearbook was dedicated to Dr. Chitwood, and Dr. Gainer received an award for his many years of sponsorship to Monticola. Plaque reads:  'Monticola - To Dr. Patrick W. Gainer in appreciation for continuous dedication and service, from the 1967 staff'.

391. Monticola Awards Dr. Patrick Ward Gainer for Sponsorship, West Virginia University

392. West Virginia University President James G. Harlow Meets with Faculty

'Faculty and alumni of WVU marching to the new Field House where the inaugural ceremonies took place. Left, Dr. Frank Butler Trotter, who retired as president after 10 years service.'

393. Inauguration Procession for Dr. John Roscoe Turner, West Virginia University

'T. H. Hunter, Chancellor for Medical Affairs at the University of Virginia (left), is shown with the three WVU professors who served as panelists to react to his address: Lila Abrahamson, Prof. of Biology (second from left); J.C. Eaves, Prof. and Chairman of Mathematics (second from right); and Vincent Traynelis, Prof. and Chairman of Chemistry (right).  Nov. 28, 1967 seminar on the Future of Undergraduate Education at WVU.'

394. Seminar on the Future of Undergraduate Education at West Virginia University

'Dr. Moody Prior, Graduate Department of English at Northwestern University (center), is shown speaking at the Dec. 6, 1967 Future of Graduate Education at WVU seminar.  Seminar planning committee chairman John Ludlum (left) listens with panelists Delmas Miller, WVU Prof. of Education and Chairman of Secondary Education (second from left); Homer Evans, WVU Prof. of Agricultural Economics and Associate Director of the WVU Agricultural Experiment Station (second from right); and Virgil Peterson, WVU Prof. of English (right).'

395. Dr. Moody Prior Speaks at a Seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at West Virginia University

'Dean of the WVU Graduate School John Ludlum (left) is shown introducing main speaker Everett Walters, Vice-President for Academic Affairs of Boston University (second from left), at the Dec. 6, 1967 seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at WVU.  Panelists seated are Paul Selby, Dean of the College of Law (second from right), and Leo Fishman, Professor of Economics and Finance (right).'

396. Seminar on the Future of Graduate Education at West Virginia University