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From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 493, vol. 2. On back of portrait: "(Roscoe?) record on Sand Lick."

13. Portrait of Russ Turner of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 74, vol. 1. Harlow Warren, Copyright 1955. In book: "Hon. John Beckley, politician, merchant. Born in the early days of the nineteenth century, the late Hon. John Beckley, of Beckley, Raleigh County, West Virginia, saw all the wonderful development of this country, from the days when Raleigh County was a howling wilderness, through the exciting events of the Civil War, and so up to the present generation of advancement and progress, with busy cities on the lands where in those pioneer days bears, wolves and panthers roamed the woods, and 'neighbors' were four to six miles apart. Mr. Beckley was born in what was then known as the United States Allegheny Arsenal, on March 26, 1833, the son of the late General Alfred and Amelia Neville (Craig) Beckley" (p. 74, 76).

14. Portrait of the Honorable John Beckley of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley, U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 578, vol. 2. In book: Mason Brackman, lawyer-teacher and former member of the Raleigh County and West Virginia Bar Associations" (p. 578).

15. Portrait of Mason Brackman of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 475, vol. 2. In book: "Ettie Honaker (McMillon) Arnett" (p. 475).

16. Portrait of Ettie Honaker Arnett of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren.

17. Portrait of Reverend Andrew Hutchinson of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 745, vol. 2. On back of portrait: "Mrs. Charles Stansbury, maiden name Ella Callaway (George Callaway and Louemma Hinchman Callaway). Later married John Patrick." See record 036311.

18. Portrait of Mrs. Charles Stansbury of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 308, vol. 1. In book: "The Rev. George N. Thomas of the Beckley Presbyterian Church 1913-1917" (p. 308). On back of portrait: "The Rev. Geo. N. Thomas when he was in Union Seminary."

19. Portrait of Reverend George N. Thomas of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 386, vol. 2. In book: " The E.E. Tucker family, Mrs. (Nannie Lemon), 'Ed' and children: Adair, Verne and Rio" (p. 386). On back of portrait: "Left to right: Nana Lemon (Tucker), Edgar Edwin Tucker, Adair, Verne and Rio-children."

20. Portrait of E. E. Tucker Family of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 476, vol. 2. In book: "An excellent example of the early Vanity Fair, is this picture pf some Richmond District young people. Their dress is exquisite, for the period. Left to right: Lena Prince, Janet Carper, Walter Carper and Dora Carper (Miles)" (p. 476). On back of photograph: "Lewis Carper's son and daughter center."

21. Portrait of Carper Family of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 71, vol. 1. On back of portrait: "Nana Shumate (Mulford) in center. Tele operator Bell Phone." Harlow Warren, copyright 1955.

22. Portrait of Nan Shumate Mulford and Two Women, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 493, vol. 2. Names are from left to right.

23. Portrait of Ash Williams, Clyde McDowell and Leroy Phipps of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 499, vol. 2. In book: "Bernard Curtis, Paul Bair, a Beaner and Charley C. Tucker. Their hair; a sign of the times" (p. 499).

24. Portrait of Young Beckleyans, Raleigh County, W. Va.