Search Results

Johnson pictured in fashionable attire holding a feather.

517. Fannie Quisenberry Johnson of Hinton, W. Va.

Rockefeller gathered with children outside of a library on Temple Street.

518. Senator Jay Rockefeller with School Children, Hinton, W. Va.

Shanklin pictured beside a truck that advertises "Norman Shanklin General Hauling. Even-spread power spreader."

519. Norman Shanklin Beside Company Truck, Hinton, W. Va.

Shanklin pictured in uniform in front of the Summers County Court House.

520. Sheriff Norman Shanklin, Hinton, W. Va.

Shanklin holds two babies in front of a "Shanklin for Sheriff" campaign sign. His store was located on Second Avenue.

521. Norman Shanklin in His Store, Hinton, W. va.

Sieber sits behind a desk at the telegraph office.

522. Telegraph Operator Carl Sieber, Hinton, W. Va.

Ward, a recognized slingshot expert, poses on Front Street.

523. Virgil Ward Aiming Slingshot, Hinton, W. Va.

Men with painted stomachs and costumes walk down Ballengee Street. Subjects unidentified.

524. West Virginia Water Festival Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

Two men wave from inside a convertible which is being dragged by Sweeney's Wrecking Service truck. Subject unidentified.

525. Sweeney's Tow Truck in West Virginia Water Festival Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

Women in bathing suits sit on top of a float with a cut-out in the shape of West Virginia with "almost heaven" painted on it. Trucks pulling the floats wait for their queue.

526. West Virginia Water Festival Parade Float, Hinton, W. Va.

Lilly (left) and Dickison (right) are pictured in the courthouse parking lot.

527. Mason Lilly and Kathleen Dickison in Front of Courthouse, Hinton, W. Va.

Young children run back and forth between the crowd to pick up and drop objects off at their marking spots. Subjects unidentified.

528. Parade Relay Race during World War I in Hinton, W. Va.